Dolores Cannon

Ancient Sacred Knowledge, The 3 Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth, The Convoluted Universe 1-5, Remembering 5 Lives, Between Death and Life, The Watchers of the Planet, The Horns of Zeilta, Jesus and the Essenes, Conversations with Nostradamus, A Soul Remembers Hiroshima 

Dolores Cannon is a famous regressionist who patented a unique process of hypnotic regression called QHHT and which sends the human mind to the simultaneous lives lived on Earth or on other planets. 

Dolores Cannon is an extraordinary case, she did regressions all her life and documented all her cases in a rigorous and scientific way, wrote countless books, traveled all over the world and left a legacy to her fans and children special cases of hypnotic regression through which everyone we find out how people lived in the past or how they will live in the future.