Ancient civilizations


Ancient civilizations are still visible on Earth for those who are curious. 

We are NOT the most advanced civilization of Earth, before ours there were many civilizations that prospered during the millions of years. Most of them are located along the electromagnetic and energy field lines. 

Among the lucky who have the chance to travel, the places of power are spreading all over the continent and the Internet is doing well popularizing it. In Australia we have Ayers Rock, in Europe we have Stonhenge, Sarmisegetuza, Gobleki Tepe, pyramids of Romania, Serbia, France, Italy and Turkey, in North America and South we have the Grand Canyon, Puma Punku, Teotihuacan, Palenque, in Antarctica we have subterranean cities, in Asia we have the Chinese pyramids and the Dragon Triangle on the Japanese island where a civilization was destroyed, the Bermuda Triangle between Florida and the Azores where many ships and planes disappeared, we have the Poles which are open towards the inner Earth. 

Usually the lost civilizations are found under the ocean, hidden. These civilizations are Antarctic oriented, North-Hyperborean, Atlantic-the atlanteans, Pacific-the lemurians, Gobi Desert-the Maldekians, and many others. 

We are their offspring.but not the last ones.