Aura is an energy field that radiates from and around all living beings. People, animals, plants, we all have our own aura. The aura is our personal universe. It is our protection. It is in constant movement and transformation.
Connections and aura
The aura contains all the colors of the rainbow and has 7 levels. The first field is the electrical field and addresses the components of survival, the second field is the emotional field, the third the mental field, the fourth the astral field of relationships, the fifth the etheric field of communication and expression, the sixth the celestial field of vision, the seventh the ketheric field , the outer shield.
Truth and aura
We still have a basic color, our energetic signature. Size, color, texture, density are relative and can change depending on mood, emotions, feelings. You don't have to be a medium to see the aura. All beings emit energy. We are created from fields of electricity and magnetism, not from particles and atoms.
The human body is an energetic, electrodynamic, interactive field. Contrary to the skeptics, the aura can be measured, seen, recorded. Aura is actually the energy of our life force. The aura is an extension of our physical body.
Exognosis and aura
In 1890 Tesla took photographs of the aura of the human body through radio technology and then came Kirlian and his wife who used electrical conductors.
The best known remains Barbara Brennan who in the 80s wrote 2 famous books and practiced for decades in the USA.
The system for obtaining the aura image uses biofeedback techniques
Guy Coggins is the inventor of the aura video camera called Aura Camera 6000.