Autosuggestion is the worst form of lying. It's the lie we tell ourselves.
We live with the illusion that we have democracy, freedom, justice, love, free will. But how many of us really realize that we don't have them? Illusion is the trick of this world. And we are 50% to blame for it, the remaining 50% we were fooled and we are still fooled but we still don't realize it.
Connections and autosuggestion
If you think you live in a democracy, then why do you pay taxes to people you didn't vote for and are forced to obey laws you don't agree with and stay in the house with people you don't love? If you think you are free, then why do you have to accept public debt and bank taxes and enslaving labor and corrupt governments? If you have free will, why can't you live in luxury and health, to have everything you want? If we are right, why are there more criminals in freedom than in prison?
Truth and autosuggestion
To those who say that there would be chaos without governments and without taxes and without justice, I remind them that other human beings managed without governments and without taxes and without banks and without justice and without society and without civilization, We can manage ourselves, without corrupt politicians, without greedy bankers, without bought judges, without thieving mayors, without a corrupt and lazy administration, against man.
They want us not to believe that we are capable, that's what they tell us in the church and the government, and at school, and at work, the same thing: that we are sinners, that we are incapable, that we are incompetent, that we are disobedient. Is it?
Exognosis and autosuggestion
Autosuggestion is a kind of madness, a kind of alienation in which you lie to yourself.
We are self-suggesting and self-illusioning and this will cost us. Life, civilization.
Why do we let them fool us? Why do we let them take our power? Why do we let them take our energy?
Man must take his life in his hands and must understand that he does not need anyone, only himself. He has the power, the energy, the freedom within. Man is god. Man is God.
This autosuggestion has been going on for a long time. Someone has an interest in keeping us in hypnosis, in ignorance forever.
Man wake up!