

Connections and biocentrism

Biocentrism is part of quantum physics.

Lanza's biocentrism needs no introduction. It is related to quantum physics and the indissoluble relationship between the observer and the observed object. 

As Rosenbum and Kuttner said: "We are the cosmic center." 

Truth and biocentrism

But not everyone knows the 11 principles of biocentrism that seemed brilliant to me. 

Principle 1. What we perceive as reality is a process involving our own state of awareness. Space and time do not represent independent realities but tools of the human mind. 

Principle 2. Our internal and external perceptions are inextricably interconnected. They represent different sides of the same coin and cannot be separated. 

Principle 3. The way subatomic particles (particles and objects) behave is inexorably linked to the presence of an observer. In his absence, they exist in an undetermined state of probability waves.

Principle 4. In the absence of awareness, matter is in an undetermined state of probability

Principle 5. The structure of the Universe can only be explained by biocentrism because the Universe is precisely adjusted to life because life creates the Universe, not the other way around

Exognosis and biocentrism

Principle 6. Time does not exist in reality outside of human senses. It is a process by which we perceive changes in the Universe. 

Principle 7. Space does not exist. It is a form of our animal understanding. 

Principle 8. The mind is unified with matter and the world. 

Principle 9. There are forces that the mind uses to build reality and experiences. 

 Principle 10. The two pillars of physics: quantum mechanics and general relativity can only be unified by taking into account the presence of the observer 

Principle 11. The observer defines the structure of physical reality and space-time