Disease is, in my opinion, humanity's number one problem at this moment on Earth.
Billions of people are subjected to an increasingly intense daily stress, living with the fear of not losing their job, of being as secure as possible on some social functions, of resisting increasingly fierce competition, of always facing the increasing influx of information, to feed one's family, to be good citizens and good family members, etc.
Another billion suffer from hunger, from the acute need to have a roof over their head, a plate of food, a place where they can feel safe. Other billions fight among themselves for control and dominance, they dispute their billions and fight over the first place. Children who are forced to memorize data as if they were computers, educated to be number one and step on corpses and only consider friendship and marriage of interest. Old people who reach the end of the road, feeling that no one wants them anymore and become a burden, struggle to understand the world we live in which no longer has any fun, no meaning, no legitimacy. Young families who no longer want to start a family and have children for fear of an increasingly macabre future.
Connections and disease
Shows, news, articles that are increasingly violent and frightening, worrying and full of pornography, crimes and bad things.
Inflation, unemployment, ecological, economic, social disasters, wars and price increases, epidemics and the madness of the weather that has become unpredictable.
People who work all day in exhaustion, hard and stressful work, and when they get home they eat devitalized food that fills their stomachs and then hallucinate watching violent or pornographic images on TV.
The disease becomes normal, the natural consequence of these causes.
It has become an exception to see a healthy man. We are all sick, those who protest should do their analyzes because they will surely find something. We should be aware of the symptoms of the diseases that human civilization suffers from and realize that their origin is in our minds and souls.
Truth and disease
The health and death of each individual depends on how we think and how much we care. The fight is fought by man, not the doctor who is happy to have patients and earn money from illness and death. The problem is that we live in a sick world and medical treatises discuss the disease far too scientifically and superficially. The cause of disease is not biological or physical, it is psychosomatic. In hospitals, the effect is treated, not the cause, pain and symptoms are masked and considered to be medicine. Nobody is interested in the causes, most of the time the doctors shrug their shoulders and say they don't know why.
The emotional state of the patient is not evaluated, despair and poverty are of no interest to anyone, the multi-billionaire health and pharmacy system does not give a second thought to the recovery of patients, but pressures people to take pills to prevent it, which is another crime. No one talks about the first cause of death in the world is the administration of drugs that worsen the situation and kill patients. No one talks about love, peace, food in hospitals, everyone talks about operations, medicines and money. The patient is treated as a case, a broken car, a piece of meat that needs to be repaired, not as a soul that needs love and understanding. Medicine is a shady business and has become a crime by which the physical body is treated, which is the effect of the etheric illness of man.
Exognosis and disease
Doctors are butchers and swindlers who no longer have empathy and feelings, only business sense. Doctors recommend meat in the diet, recommend medicines to the pharmaceutical companies whose clients they are, and recommend operations where you sign before you can die, so malpractice responsibility no longer exists.
The purely materialistic and soulless education that doctors receive dehumanizes medicine by turning it into a business, creating robots that mechanically repair other robots. People take dozens of medicines every day hoping to feel better, they don't even think about recovery anymore, they don't realize that they are enriching some hyenas who make them sick and kill them.
Education is the key to diseases, if prevention was done with natural medicine and with good thoughts and good deeds and with awareness and responsibility, then no one would be sick and then we would no longer need butchers and hyenas, and find a more dignified and honest job.
Sinchronicity and disease
Doctor Hamer discovered that when the stress factor disappears from a person's life, regardless of whether it is an emotional or physical shock, a tragic event or something terrible that suddenly appeared in life, the disease also disappears. Thus he demonstrated and cured patients with cancer and the most horrible incurable diseases. And he paid for it, he was arrested, accused, convicted and almost killed, just to save people from the medical system.
I know of cases where, just because they discovered easier cures for diseases, holistic doctors paid dearly, being sued and having their medical license revoked.
One in Italy who healed with stem cells was condemned, another healed with etheric energy and was imprisoned and killed, another healed with energy and magnetism and was boycotted and pushed to commit suicide, another healed with bare hands and was mocked and accused of fraud, Mesmer, the great magnetizer was accused of fraud and had to flee from country to country pursued by criminal doctors.
Reality and disease
The earth is a strange place where the one who heals must fear reprisals, the one who does good must fear revenge, the one who wants the good of all must fear detractors. Is it the planet of madmen?
Prevention means education through science, through common sense, through natural medicine, through holistic or alternative medicine, but first of all, healing is the responsibility of each individual, it is the prerogative of the intelligent, free, open-minded man, the new man who knows that the disease is an imbalance at the level of the soul, is a message from the higher self through which he is warned.