Body, Soul, Spirit
Body, soul, spirit is what man has on Earth as heritage.
It is difficult to understand what each one does and who is our master, who leads. To those who believe in the "One", I would remind them that the One does not exist, there are always more of us. Likewise with the Source which is "several sources" and with the planes in which we evolve, our physical and subtle bodies, cells, organs, lives, all are more.
Connections and body, soul, spirit
There is never just one, we are always dealing with parallel Universes, multidimensions, fields, densities, planes, stages, etc. And to those who believe in the harmony of our bodies or the celestial hierarchies, I would remind them that if there were harmony, we would not exist as a civilization, life would not exist in this decrepit, destructive form.
Actually "above" there is no democracy, just like below, the hierarchies are at war with each other, the ET races are in fierce competition and I could go on endlessly with the disharmonies and conflicts. Most of the conflicts take place on the experiment called Earth where the poor man never knows who controls him either externally or internally.
Truth and body, soul, spirit
The densities overlap and hence a lot of problems, the plans are out of phase and they take the lead one by one, chaos happens when we are confused and don't know what to decide. Do we really not understand that harmony does not exist either on Earth or in the other planes? If there had been, there would have been peace between humans and between ETs, there would have been understanding between our etheric, astral, mental, causal, buddhic or physical bodies, there would have been cooperation between planets, galaxies, universes. But no!!!
Exognosis and body, soul, spirit
There is no peace anywhere, not in the astral, not in the mind, not in our body where rebellious cells cause cancer.
It is not difficult to assume that the Source is not doing a good job and I think it is imperfect like us. She's probably learning to be the boss on the go.