

Connections and ancestors

Ancestors are our connection with past, present and future.

It is a difficult task to understand who are the ancestors of man. And considering that man's ancestors are not from Earth, it is even more difficult. I personally don't trust anyone who could say to my face "I made you". From my readings, I got an idea. But because I don't remember having lived, being there at the beginning of the Earth and man, it's just speculation. 

Usually truths are felt, intuited and not learned along the way. You pass them through the filter of your knowledge and feel the truth, your truth. In general, people say that "in the beginning" it was this way or that way. This is simply not possible because in the Universe time does not exist and in our local Universe time is not linear, but circular, simultaneously. It is possible that we will never find out the answer to the "chicken or egg" question about who was first precisely from this point of view. 

Truth and ancestors

Some say that the Lyrans were the first, others say that the Reptilians were at the beginning. It is certain that when the reptilians came to this Universe and then the Galaxy, there were already others here for many eons. There are many alien races in our Universe and even more in other Universes. They have the ability to play with space and time, they have powers and abilities that give us headaches, trying to understand them, to believe them. The key to not having headaches is to accept everything in the idea that "Everything is possible". I also have a saying "Everything is an illusion". That's why it's very easy to read anything without being scandalized, it's very easy to accept anything without making it a tragedy. Flexibility and versatility are vital in a constantly changing world. The Italians have a saying "Tutti nodi vengono al pettine" - "All the knots reach the comb". As I have read and as my heart urges me to believe, our ancestors are many, not one. And considering the fact that in the Universe everything is simultaneous, it is happening right now. Now while we debug stories, Atlantis sinks or Vesuvius erupts, reptilians land in the Solar System or Quetzalcoatl arrives on the water in South America...

Someone once said "History is the most beautiful story". I would paraphrase and say: "Life is the most beautiful story". We are stardust, so stellar tribes in a large and complex laboratory-experiment. The Pleiadians say that the Earth was supposed to be the sacred library of the Universe, but unfortunately it didn't end up like that. "Someone" played with the destiny of the Earth and man, and I think that this is where the hand of the Sources lies, considering that every experiment has a player who makes the games. Creation is a game for them, as in the end of Spielberg's film "Men in Black" where several ETs are playing with a ball and the Earth was the ball that at the end, after the fun, they put in the basket. 

Exognosis and ancestors

To be honest, I don't like the word "play" or "toy", even when I was a child I didn't use these words because I always thought "whose toy?", "whose game?". Just as I don't like the word "experiment" that makes me think of guinea pigs and slaves and free will that is violated for the sake of the experiment. Free will seems to me just a figure of speech, like sugar given to a horse or a capricious child. I don't believe in free will or evolution or karma. For the simple reason that they are mutually exclusive. Well, logically, if you have free will, you don't have karma and if you have karma, you don't have free will. And evolution is not possible because time is not linear, but circular. I see life as. ups and downs. They are all big words, "overrated" as the Americans say, so illusions with claims. 

And if we talk about reincarnation, which is not about past and present and future lives that do not exist, but simultaneous lives, this completely excludes the discourse about karma and free will and evolution. But people love to call on oriental expressions and pretend to be clever. But those who read this blog do not pretend to be smart, they are just open to new things and anything that is possible. The temptation is big when you read a lot of books. But common sense and education and intuition do not leave you on the plow. You never know everything and there are always people smarter than you. That's the story of life. 

I really think we are hybrids, we have genes from many ET races. This calms the situation with the ancestors. We have Pleiadian, Reptilian, Sirian, Orionian, Andromedan, Aldebaran genes, etc. So why bother that we come from monkeys? Yes, maybe we have something of Darwin's monkey in us, but something like 1%, so insignificant.