Civic sense


Civic sense seems to have disappeared from the vocabulary and from the behavior and good manners of the people. 

I haven't heard anyone talk about people's civic sense in a long time. And I haven't seen people with civic sense for many years. Civic sense was part of education and before, people had common sense and civic sense in abundance, born or acquired through education. 

Connections and civic sense

Today, no one intervenes in street fights or public conflicts, no one is interested in taking sides with a man who is right and unjustly punished. It's as if we dehumanize ourselves and no longer have a soul, as if we've forgotten what education is. 

What used to come with the 7 years from home, today doesn't come at all. Education is no longer done, people seem to have gone crazy or no longer have time, soul or responsibility. 

Children no longer educate themselves, they educate themselves on Facebook or in the street, parents no longer have the responsibility to educate children and raise them according to the needs of society. 

Truth and civic sense

Instead, we have people who no longer cooperate, no longer help each other, no longer know how to behave in a civilized manner in society, there is no longer respect, and it seems as if digitalization comes along with stupidity. The age of technology has erased the civic sense from our memory and it is very bad because the civic sense means helping a person in need or a person in danger, it means participating in the well-being of the community, volunteering and taking the side of the disadvantaged. 

There are few real people today, they don't see each other anymore because of the uneducated people who scream and stand out, relationships are difficult and conflictual because of the lack of education. 

Exognosis and civic sense

Civic sense and common sense sometimes shouldn't even be taught, you just have to do what your heart tells you, that is, be good to others, help them and even offer to lend a helping hand.

This is part of the domestication of society, it is a conspiracy theory in which people no longer have feelings and empathy, they no longer think that others are good, that is, only self-service. 

Where will this lead? To self-destruct. A species without feelings cannot be called HUMAN.