Crystals are alive. They are used for spiritual evolution, to create the relationship with the divinity, to connect with the divine energy of the Universe and to connect the human being with the astral field, the dimension in which we go at night when we dream and after death.
Connections and crystals
Crystals can function as energy transmitters and transformers, through them we see the past and the future.
Crystals help us tune into the image of the psyche, with the information and images floating around the psychic field. Through crystals we tune in better with the images, colors and stories that the Aura contains.
Truth and whistleblowers
Crystals not only transmit energy but also amplify it. The Atlanteans amplified them to use the energy in everyday life.
They are charged with the energy we transmit to them and they transmit this energy externally or in the aura of another person.
Crystals can store energy for a longer period of time. If they are not cleaned, they will store the energy of the place where they were kept, as well as the energy of those who own these crystals.
Exognosis and whistleblowers
They absorb the negative energy floating in the atmosphere, thus restoring harmony in the environment. They can balance or energize different chakras or auras.
Crystals are mysterious and magical, they bring joy and energy, they clean and amplify, they are alive and intelligent, conscious and organic.