Deja-vu is the feeling of having already seen, the feeling that I have been to a place before or experienced an event before or did something somewhere, sometime. In my opinion, deja-vu is a sign that somewhere, sometime, the movie of our life was presented to us and now we are living it live. It is a sign that we have seen the events of our life before or that we are living them again.
Connections and deja-vu
It happened to me many times in my life to experience deja-vu and each time it was as if I woke up from a strange dream. It can be a sequence from a movie or images from a book (in my case) or frames from life, normal clichés of my time on Earth.
For those who are reflective and who are attentive to everything that happens in life, it's a moment when you seem to shake hands with God-Source. It's like you have the meeting of your life and you feel that things must have meaning. It's like when you see a UFO and wonder why you.
Our existence is stranger than we care to admit. Mysteries are part of our life and we find them at every step. It takes a good dose of distributive attention and "a path with a heart" as Don Juan so beautifully said in Castaneda's books.
In Matrix Trinity says that deja-vu is a sign that there is an error in the system, that something is changing.
Truth and deja-vu
Sometimes ark we are the spectators of our life and other times we seem to be the protagonists. As in the movie "Holiday" in which Eli Wallach says to the character played by Kate Winslet "My dear, you act as if you are the spectator of your life even though you have all the right prerogative to be the protagonist" and she replies that in three years of psychiatric therapy he was not told something so clear and valuable.
I prefer to be the protagonist but an observer. I was gifted with distributive attention and I like to split the thread in four every time a mystery makes its presence in my life. My favorite question is "why?" and it became an obsession to understand the why of things, even if from time to time the answer changes and the data of the problem turn upside down.
I think that deja-vu is an Ariadne thread in life, you have to follow it and tick off the milestones as if life were a fantastic journey of understanding some teachings and in which no one punishes or rewards you, you just exist and you just play your part as well as you can. I don't like to think of life as a dramatic theater where you compete with others and the best wins. Because there is no "best", "smartest", "most beautiful" or "luckiest". There are actors on the stage of life, as Shakespeare well said, and there are obstacles and difficulties that divert you from the path.
Exognosis and deja-vu
The mysteries of life are many and I think that one lifetime is not enough to understand them all. It would take us thousands of years to metabolize all the happenings and all the strange things that require an explanation, all the ins and outs of human existence.
We have been intentionally genetically modified not to live long, once because we cannot lead such a hard existence, then because our bodies are not perfect and break down quickly, then because actually the purpose of life is not to learn something.
I don't believe in life as a school or life as a punishment, I don't believe in evolution or learning as a goal and purpose. I believe that life is an experiment of the Source. And deja-vu is part of the experiment.