Addictions are imposed or self-imposed limitations that prevent us from gaining a higher consciousness and freedom.
It is easy to see people addicted today, addicted to TV, technology, food, people, addicted to life, addicted to pain or suffering, addicted to a way of life or services, addicted to substances, to feelings, And so on Addictions are hard to break.
The television industry makes great efforts to find new frame succession frequencies and suitable colors associated with the shortest possible intervals between two images. These things cost billions of dollars. They do it to make children addicted to the computer to be manipulated by the consumer industry. That's how you kill two birds with one stone. Addiction to TV and PC creates addiction to food. That's why we have so many obese people today. Children also have a lack of concentration, they become hyperactive and autistic.
Connections and addictions
I think they are in our genes and limit our freedom of choice, they are predetermined to some extent, some people manage to get rid of them, others not. The worst thing is when addictions take a person's life and the person can't even resist.
Addictions today are caused by the pharmaceutical industry, the food industry, the gambling industry and the technology industry. They exploit the human subconscious which is repetitive and cannot resist brainwashing, reprogramming.
Unfortunately, those who do not have good mental control risk succumbing to the programs induced by corporations that know how man can be manipulated. America and its secret projects learned 100 years ago how man and his bodies work, physically and subtly. So it's easy to trick people into saying, doing and thinking what they want.
Truth and addictions
The battle is on the human mind and the secret programs that cost billions of public dollars have discovered the secrets of manipulating the human mind to accept things that go against man. They are electromagnetic waves that change the state of consciousness of man and make him become a different person.
Substance addiction is the scourge of our century. Addiction to medicines, drugs, food costs money and health.
Man is only a puppet in front of today's temptations. We eat worse and worse, sleep badly, take medicines and drugs to be able to face obstacles and stress.
We have stressful jobs, we have stressful relationships and man needs to face all the burdens of everyday life. Life is hard, work is hard, relationships are hard and everything seems to be against man.
Artificial intelligence steals people's jobs, people steal their partners, it has become difficult to live decently, to find a decent job, to find a decent partner and the pressure to pay taxes, installments, work and take care of the family, of the house, of itself became a burden. We are more and more requested to be better, more beautiful, smarter, more competitive, more efficient, sexier, more resilient.
Exognosis and addictions
This creates stress because addictions do not help us, they confuse us. We become dependent on our partners and when we lose them we suffer, we become dependent on food and the modern lifestyle and when we no longer have them, we have the sequelae and suffer their absence.
Society demands a lot from us. Modernity costs us dearly. We must be dressed modern, fashionable, we must maintain our status quo and be model citizens, be good at everything and learn new jobs to avoid unemployment and the theft of jobs by technology.
Addictions are fashionable, everyone takes drugs, drinks and smokes and this has become a habit, a modernity, a way of life.