

Dictatorship is the new form of government in Romania. 

After the coup of December 1989, after the dictatorship of Ion Iliescu with 3 illegal mandates approved by the traitors from the CCR, Romania passed to the dictatorship of Basescu and then the dictatorship of Klaus Iohannis. 

Now, after the illegal annulment of the elections by the CCR, the Sorosist Psd-Pnl-Usr clique proposed a government of traitors and criminals to Iohannis who was no longer president by right and who approved the government of shameful and sad memory and which was voted in parliament. 

We are officially taken over from outside by the Soros mafia through its traitorous puppets and we are forced to endure the new dictatorship. 

It seems that our country is an important force for the plans of the Khazarian cabal since the very son of Soros came by private plane from Fort Lauderdale in Florida to order the CCR to spoil democracy and the Romanian constitution. 

The great reset is coming. All European countries are being attacked by the Khazarian cabal and forced to accept illegalities and embarrassing and unnatural situations. Soros, the Grinch who stole Christmas 2024, is probably jubilant, believing that he has won and subdued the democratic forces in Europe, forcing national traitors to create laws against the national interest and break the law to seize power for the indefinite future. 

Now we are at a crossroads where we have only two choices: free or slave. Here is the final battle to win our future. History is decided now and no one has an escape, the wheat is chosen from the tares, 

 Santa Claus or Grinch?