Dimensions of existence are essential for beings.
There are other dimensions in this Universe than the one humanity is currently living in. The difference between dimensions is the difference between vibration rates. The cells in our bodies vibrate so many times per second. If we make them vibrate faster we are no longer visible in this dimension but we are visible in the next dimension. We always see matter vibrating at the same speed as we are.
There are 12 dimensions in the current Universe. Everything we see around us is vibrating at the same rate we are so it feels solid to us. The Earth is vibrating at the same rate as we are. It is possible to control our cells' rate of vibration with our thoughts. This we must learn to do if we want to Ascend. In Lemuria and Atlantis the truth about other dimensions was not kept a secret, it was universally known.
The cycles of the stars were studied and mastered because it was fully understood that everyone's life was affected by sun, moon and planetary movements. It was a known fact that rotations repeat thus planetary events are repeatable even reliable and predictable. The planting of crops which is the most basic activity for sustaining life was done according to astrological timetables. The times of Equinox and Solstice were so important to daily Lemurian and Atlantis life that it became the first thing taught to children.
Another aspect of sustaining life on Earth was to know when to prepare for planet-wide catastrophes. At some point, all events in the Universe repeat so the event can be predicted. Lemurians and Atanteans held this information from the star races. Since much of the cyclical information is recorded in the DNA of all beings, the DNA data went hand-in-hand with understanding the evolution of all life forms.