
DNA is not only a memory of soul incarnations, but also a memory of ancestral genetic lines. (the journey of the soul) 

Most groups with similar DNA tend to come together through the Law of Attraction. This is if it does not undergo a mutation from the outside, meaning that an energy enters from outside the genealogical system to cause it to transmute and move in another direction. 

Connections and DNA

Residual DNA is not residual, it is the most important segment of DNA, our ET reincarnations. Because he is not known, we ignore him. 

Humans have percentages of ET DNA, Pleiadian, Orionian, Reptilian, Sirian, Andromedan, Arcturian, Venusian, Lyran/Vegan, Draconian, Alpha Centaurian, etc. 

Truth and DNA

In DNA there is a direct link with the Akashic archives from the causal plane that store data about the souls that have incarnated in our galaxy. 

DNA is composed of 24 strands or 12 pairs (double helixes). To experience density 12, we must have 24 chains activated. Density 12 is not humanoid. The highest level of humanoid form is level 7. 

Exognosis and DNA

There are techniques designed to change and transmute DNA and activate all 24 strands. DNA can reprogram itself. The remaining 22 chains are latent. DNA reprogramming is done through quantum jumps, that is, the electron jumps to another orbit and the person has a different level of vibration, changes the atomic structure of the substance.