Dream is underestimated.
Have you ever had a dream that seemed more real than waking life? Then you will like this article.
Connections and dream
I can't help but remember Castaneda's dream art with the teachings of Don Juan and the naguals. They are the masters of the dream which is an art. One of the aspects that make dreaming such a useful area is the mutual relationship it has with the everyday world. The dream world corresponds to the waking world. It's just that the dream is more real and corresponds to the powers and traits of the subtle being that we are.
The dream is similar to death, in many aspects. The same easy transition into another dimension.
Truth and dream
The kind of life we lead rather results from the kind of dreams we have. Changing the way we approach everyday life changes the way we dream and changing the way we dream can change our everyday life. The field of dreams becomes an area where we can work towards change and freedom. This means that we can change aspects of our daily life during the dream. Things that we cannot change by conventional methods can be changed with the help of the other self by simply focusing the dream on them. Finding unusual solutions to problems and needs that seem unsolvable becomes possible when we bring into play the power of the nagual of our consciousness.
Exognosis and dream
Through dreaming we can change the course of events or discover new solutions to old problems. Let's remember that true creativity comes from the left side of consciousness.
Castaneda tells us that the nagual fighters developed and enriched the basic activities of their lives through dreaming. Finding lost objects and people, curing diseases, evolving into subtle worlds through the vehicle of the dreaming body, not to mention the fact that by dreaming consciously, we can get used to life after death and from there go to other higher dimensions.