Education is a universal panacea, provided it offers metaphysical truths, it can get rid of diseases, vices, ecological, political or economic problems.
Education can bring a new social system, new sources of energy, new medical services, new types and economic or political relations. The medicine of the future is education because all diseases are psychosomatic. If man thinks differently, diseases no longer occur.
Connections and education
Through education, man gains control over his mind and then there will be no more need for hospitals, medicines, doctors. Education is the basis of an enlightened society. Education does not only mean general culture and home education given by parents, it means civic sense, ethical sense, control of thoughts, control of language, moral sense, personalized, individualized education.
It is true that everything starts from education because education is fundamental for the formation of man as an individual and as a member of the collective. Respect is not possible without education, work is not possible without education and so on.
Truth and education
The uneducated man cannot have a good social situation, nor a happy family, nor a prestigious job, nor a normal life because he lacks the main ingredient of HUMANITY. Times will come when only educated people will have access to quality services, social privileges and a quality life.
People without education do not have a good future, they have no prospects to advance, therefore continuous learning is necessary at all ages, the educated person always learns something new.
Exognosis and education
Let's not underestimate education because without it we are not PEOPLE, we are half people in the wind. What distinguishes us from animals is education, learning, progress.