

Electromagnetism rediscovered in 1864 by Maxwell has been updated today with photons and tachyons, i.e. visible and invisible light. But we still don't know what electromagnetism is and how it essentially contributes to the life of the planets and the creatures on it. 

Connections and electromagnetism

But what is not accepted in conservative scientific circles is the fact that electromagnetism is inherently and intrinsically part of the Earth and all living beings. Otherwise there would be no life. The light that is part of electromagnetism and the consciousness that is life in beings are fluctuating, oscillating, they are not continuous. 

We invented the law of electromagnetism which actually does not exist even if our Universe is based on electromagnetism and other rules of operation. All laws are actually invented by science to justify the money collected and to create scientific dogmas that no one can ignore. However, progress is made, of course not accepted by the luminaries of science, through quantum physics and reverse engineering, the first studied in schools and praised only theoretically, no one being able to demonstrate practically that the observer influences the observed object. The second is not studied publicly but only in the black American, Russian, Chinese projects, being too dangerous and close to magic, to be given to the ignorant masses. 

Truth and electromagnetism

Today, electromagnetism is studied at a high level only behind the closed doors of the Occult and with money and funding from drug trafficking for top secret projects. It is the key to life on Earth, but like all other keys, it is kept secret and used only in wars and manipulation and mind control. 

Electromagnetism is also harmful, as evidenced by cases of stress and symptoms of physical illness, including cancer and other serious diseases. Both magnetism and electricity must be taken with tweezers, that is, in small amounts until we get used to them and find out what harms us and what does us good. 

Exognosis and electromagnetism

Microwaves, for example, are toxic to the human body and those who have microwave ovens should throw them away and buy electric ovens. Electromagnetic fields are usually harmful to the human body because they radiate electromagnetic fields 4 m around them. Because of the electromagnetic waves radiating from all over our house or office, the brain and the nervous system suffer, as well as our health, the subtle bodies that are denied by science. Electromagnetic waves modulate and sometimes overwhelm our nervous system, disrupting its frequencies and moving the Assembly Point, the famous point of the subtle body that is an indicator of health. 

Human beings are electromagnetic in nature. The electromagnetic force is the most significant of the fundamental forces of nature and has profound consequences on the physical, emotional, mental and astral levels of the soul. The electromagnetic force originates in the etheric dimension. Energy and black (dark) matter are distortions in the time/space continuum caused by the interactions of the etheric realms on the physical realms. That is why our measurements of time and space are erroneous. That is why for us the Galactic Cycle is 227 million years instead of 216 million years. Although we took into account the gravitational fluctuations, i.e. the curvature of time and space according to Einstein's theory of relativity, we did not take into account the fluctuations of the electromagnetic flows due to the impact of the etheric fields on the physical fields.

Synchronicity and electromagnetism

 The sun's electromagnetic fluctuations have a major impact on the human body. Periods of intense solar radiation often correspond to increased emotional sensitivity and irregular production of chemicals in the brain. Many beings feel that they are going crazy during these periods and conflagrations and violence tend to escalate. The intense emissions of solar radiation entering the Earth's atmosphere affect the climate, tending to make the Earth dry and temporarily warm. They also affect the operation of satellites which affect our communication systems and computer technology.

The electromagnetic phenomena are intensified during the full moon periods. This is why emotions are more intense then. It is the period when most crimes, accidents, calamities, psychotic states, injuries, murders, diseases, wars take place. 

Scientists have found magnets in the brain and cells, which makes us prone to electromagnetic influences. Thoughts and emotions are electromagnetic, therefore they influence our body and physical states and influence the bodies of others and the surrounding reality. Tesla said that emotion has a magnetic charge. 

Telepathy is improved in moments of increased geomagnetic activity, it has been scientifically discovered. Plants, animals, crystals are all influenced by electromagnetism.