

Food is ne of the reasons we get sick.

The increasingly bad and nutrient-poor food devitalizes us and makes us sick. Domestic production of vegetables, fruits and animal is being systematically killed in favor of imports from other continents in the name of a globalization that does not care about human health and vitality.

It's as if the Occult would prefer us to be sick and ignorant but consumers and slaves. It is hard not to notice a global tendency of mafia concentration of food in corporations, some of them producing chemicals and genetically modified plants. 

Connections and food

Water and land pollution with chemical fertilizers is preferred instead of sustainable and organic agriculture. It seems they are all transhumanists, concerned with turning us into biorobots. That is, useful idiots. The tendency is to have control over the stupid masses of ready-made information on TV, ready-made irradiated and genetically modified food at the supermarket. It is increasingly difficult to find decent, non-genetically modified food, clean and without pesticides, herbicides, E's, artificial dyes, with "flavor of..." labels and toxic plastic packaging. 

For years we have been eating insects and worms in bread and canned food, but legally, for some years. We are guinea pigs. We eat more and more and worse, we get sick buying expensive toxic food.

We are not being said that sweets take our Calcium away and that is why we have osteoporosis, disc hernia.

Truth and food

Food has the role of accumulating information, models of evolution from other surrounding entities. Models that were copied to acquire this material structure, the physical body. Food does not ensure energy intake, there are completely other subtle mechanisms that provide energy (breathing and sex), on the contrary, food is an energy-consuming process, the energy yield is below 50%, that is, totally ineffective. 

Because of the alimentary process, the subtle receptors that connect man with the higher planes of consciousness and superconsciousness are deprived of the necessary energy input. We no longer feel subtle sensations such as intuition, astral perception, we no longer use the subtle centers that gave us the opportunity to consciously use the other subtle bodies (astral, etheric, mental, causal) and man can no longer use natural abilities such as levitation , teleportation, telepathy, bilocation, spiritual or physical elevation, cellular regeneration, etc. Man lives more instinctually, driven by the outside and by rational thinking that does not allow him to feel the truth, reality, perceives only his projections, sees only the effects and not the cause. 

Exognosis and food

Food provided the necessary anesthesia to be able to endure the experience of the physical body, man living consciously only in the physical and giving importance only to the physical and believing that only the physical exists. But at this moment, food slowly becomes a process that loses its usefulness. Its evolution is transferred to other plans, to other levels. Subtle receptors wake up, paranormal and supernatural experiences occur, information exchanges can be passed to conscious, telepathic levels, there is no longer a need for unconscious exchanges, provided by food.

We come out of the state of anesthesia, the cosmic operation of human formation on the material level is over, we can do without this drug, food, the rebirth of man or the second birth takes place. 

Doctors do not recommend medicine and natural food and this does them no honor. In emergency rooms or doctors' offices, doctors don't even ask patients what they eat, so they only treat them superficially based on symptoms. The alternative to hunger and disease is natural food and giving up animal husbandry. This is how we save animals from the torment of slaughter, we also save people from diseases.