Forgetting is a curse and a blessing for man.
Despite some ignorant voices who say that this is how it is given, that this is what God wants and that it is normal, forgetting is not normal to exist.
Man should remember who he is, when he lived, what he came to do in the world and what his mission is. Considering the electromagnetic field which is almost zero and the passage through the Photonic Belt, considering the psychotronic weapons of the Occult and the black projects through which they fry our minds, forgetting is a condition sine qua non.
n The Matrix, Agent Smith tells Morpheus that every day people live in oblivion.
Connections and forgetting
The battle is between the ET armies, it is their wars that resonate on Earth. The man is the guinea pig as usual and the collateral victim. Forgetfulness intervenes in man's life and makes his life even harder. There are people who are born with a prodigious memory and people who struggle to remember their own phone number and who walk around with shopping lists and to-do lists.
I am one of the people in the second category, that's why I was mediocre in school which is based exclusively on memorization, as if we didn't have books and computers. When a person develops senile dementia or Alzheimer's, his memory is irretrievably lost and then his life is inevitably compromised and he no longer knows anything, he no longer cares, he loses everything. They are terrible diseases that depersonalize man, force him to live like a useless vegetable, a burden for society and family.
Truth and forgetting
Forgetting is a scourge and my opinion is that forgetting is a genetic program, we are born with predispositions and programs already implanted.
Memory can be improved to be functional citizens and people, learning new things, reading, solving crosswords, keeping our brains busy and our minds engaged.
No one talks about it, but the brain has neurons and synapses that can regenerate. Traitorous science says the opposite and this is part of the conspiracy theory. The truth is that people can become smarter, they can recover their sight, memory, intelligence, intuition, etc.
Exognosis and forgetting
I am an example, I was born with a delay, I was always amazed by the world around me, I had a headache and I even processed information slowly. I couldn't make syntheses, I couldn't make links, connections between things, concepts, I didn't trust myself and I was shy, shy, stammered. Over time, I understood that this came from my subtle bodies that were out of phase, the left and right cerebral hemispheres were also out of phase, but now they are 50%-50%. My hemispheres are in balance and the subtle bodies are more settled. Confidence in me was always undermined by the people around me, including my own father who made a fool of me every day, took out his existential frustrations on me, people laughed because I was poor and didn't talk much and then I always had an inferiority complex combined with low self-esteem.
Sinchronicity and forgetting
The key is to never care what people say who often laugh at each other out of stupidity and some feel superior by making others inferior.
Forgetfulness also comes from the superficiality with which we live our lives, and I was superficial, but through self-education, I trained myself to finish what I started and to be attentive to my surroundings, becoming a perfectionist and with distributive attention.
Forgetting is a blessing only for those who don't want to remember, those who don't want to know the truth. But it comes with a bitter price, they will repeat the same mistakes over and over for millions of years until they consider that remembering is a blessing and knowing is healthy.
Human ciivilizations are amnesiac and this is seen in the same mistakes made over and over again throughout the millennia of eons. For me, forgetting is a curse and I always struggle to remember who I was and what I came to do, so that I don't go round in circles. Destiny can only be fulfilled when you know who you are and what you are meant to do.