Frequency barrier


The frequency barrier is the work of the dark Draconians, Siriusians and Orionians on Earth. 

These three groups of negative ETs have always wanted to control and enslave the masses of humanity, each for specific reasons. 

Whenever possible, they devised ways to keep humanity ignorant of its origins. 

There are several ways in which they have achieved this, each with varying degrees of success. 

The dark Orions came up with their own vision of a frequency barrier meant to prevent humanity from traveling to the stars, to dampen the psychic and intuitive abilities of those evolving on Earth. 

Orionians are also the architects of electronic and etheric implants, devices inserted under the skin or in the aura of people to prevent them from developing their higher capacities. 

Today on Earth there are descendants of the dark Orionians who continue the practices of implantation and manipulation through the military or secret dark operations groups (black projects), special forces, espionage units and occult societies through the practice of black magic.