Global warming
Global warming is a lie.
There is no such thing and the best proof is the fact that the Ice Age is coming. Every time before the Ice Age, it is warm and the weather patterns seem chaotic.
Romania was a temperate continental country and now it is a tropical country with 100% wet summers and either drought or floods. The same for all European countries.
Connections and global warming
We all speak in ignorance of the cause. If there is HAARP and weather modification programs, then how could global warming still exist? Ignorance makes victims. If only we could read and understand the eras. At least if history wasn't falsified. At least if we were no longer lied to.
Someone controls the weather and that, not from today, from yesterday, but for millions of years. Weather modification was science in some of the ancient civilizations. Even in the Egyptian civilization we know, there is magic and weather control through the Pyramid. Tibetans can do this anytime, initiates, masters can do this, the US Army does this, reptiles do this and we are still amazed.
Truth and global warming
Science is not done in the laboratory, science was done through the mind anywhere, before.
Climate warming and CO2 emissions are the big lies about weather polluting our minds and souls today. C'mon! Let's stop emitting CO2, but nobody knows what CO2 is, it's the GAS OF LIFE!!!
At least if we informed ourselves before giving false statements that reflect the conspiracy theory.
Exognosis and global warming
No one notices that all meteorological phenomena seem to be alive, clouds that appear and disappear as if by magic, rain only in one place as if by miracle, drought only in one place, miraculously. Don't we see that things have soul, intelligence, consciousness? And a microbe has a soul, and a piece of wood has consciousness, and a stone has consciousness.
Not only us. Sometimes people prove that they have no soul.
Has no one noticed that winter lasts 8 months? That we make the fire in the stove 8 months a year. And in the summer we don't wear all the things anymore because there is no time...summer is short and very warm.
It's like we're in dimension 4, which is transitory, isn't it? Is that so.
The Sun passes through the electromagnetic zero zone during the galactic leap and the immediate effect of the solar storms is the drying and heating of a large portion of the Earth's surface.
It is not the temperature of the Sun that has the greatest effect on the Earth, but the electromagnetic fluctuations. A consistent electromagnetic emission can increase the Earth's temperature much more than an increase in the amount of carbon dioxide.
We will have heat waves and drought in some areas and floods and cold in others as well as ice ages in others, as a means of counterbalancing.