Illnesses are psychosomatic


Illnesses are psychosomatic. 

The New German Medicine through Dr. Hamer and the French doctor Ghislaine Lanctot are the two vanguardists who say something so bold. 

Connections and illnesses are psychosomatic

 I had the opportunity to see this on my own skin when I got rid of a disease for good, without taking drugs and without treatment, without surgery. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism at the age of 18 and I took pills for several years but it didn't go away. It passed when I started to come forward and support my opinion, when I became responsible and had opinions that I expressed even at the risk of causing arguments. Until I had hyperthyroidism, when I expressed my opinions too harshly and took a stand against anyone. And today, I have no thyroid problems at all. 

Truth and illnesses are psychosomatic

I have also noticed in other people how they make certain diseases related to emotions, feelings and attitude. For example my mother who for years didn't want to hear me because, she said, I was talking too much (yes, I was in the hyperthyroidism phase) and she became deaf, she doesn't hear well anymore. 

 The examples given by the two doctors mentioned above are of course more professional and with serious clinical studies, published in renowned medical journals. Unfortunately, these two doctors were heavily harassed and boycotted, their medical license was withdrawn and legal proceedings were filed against them, just because they had the courage to support the truth of a conservative and outdated medical world but in a state of crime so as not to lose their privileges and the money. 

Exognosis and illnesses are psychosomatic

Is society not yet ready to admit that we cause our own illnesses? Or are there interests that do not want the sick to get well? Here we again enter the conspiracy theory because a man who heals himself is the enemy of modern Medicine and of the doctors who get rich from our disease.