Connections and interdimensions
Interdimensions are a big mistery.
Not many interdimensions were known until the computer era. Even the dimensions are hard to understand, but now because "the lion's gates have opened", we can learn more about the mysteries. Interdimensions are very difficult to explain and understand. But once you understand dimensions, a little extra effort helps you find out that, as the name says, interdimensions are spaces between dimensions.
Truth and interdimensions
Two of the writers spoke on the subject. Only two, Alfred Webre and Anton Parks. The first, the founder of exopolitics, talks about the ET races present on Earth and in the Universe and mentions in the Omniverse book about a top secret informer who was on Mars and tells about interdimensions used by Grays who are obviously much more advanced than earthlings. They use these interdimensions or dimensional folds to hide and to hide technology or secret missions.
Parks talks in the Girku Chronicles about Kur, an interdimension where the musgiri (winged and very aggressive red reptiles) hide,or attack other reptilian races or humans. It is certain that we do not know even 10% of what is happening around us. The dimensions are all HERE, NOW, around us and you have to see in the astral or mental or causal or etheric to see them.
Exognosis and interdimensions
I suspect that the interdimensions are in the etheric, any higher dimension being able to see them. But not dimensions 3 or 4 which are lower. From 5 upwards, the interdimensions are visible and can be manipulated. I don't think they were created by grays because grays are biorobots created and controlled by reptiles.
And Castaneda's Don Juan speaks of other dimensions, some known and some not, it is certain that he and the naguals could create new and personalized dimensions, according to their will and interest. Allies also come from there, being dangerous creatures that could be tamed and used by naguals.