

Karma is tricky.

I don't believe in karma anymore. All my life I believed in karma, but in the light of new research and readings, I tend to believe that people who walk in the light and are seekers of the truth no longer have karma. 

Connections and karma

The notion of karma goes in contradiction with the notion of reincarnation and free will and evolution. Logically, if all our reincarnations are simultaneous, then how can there be karma? There are no previous lives and future lives, there are simultaneous lives in the unified theory of everything. 

And how could there be free will if by definition karma is a tax, that of reaping the fruits of actions? In inferior people, the problem of karma could be raised only by virtue of the fact that they are not aware neither in the physical, material life nor in the subtle lives. Once you cross the threshold of the 5th dimension, there is no longer any need for karma. 

Truth and karma

As usual, people think in terms of reward and punishment and therefore have the impression that someone is following them to account for good and bad deeds. That's not the point, if you already understand what you did and why, there's no point in remaining forever a victim, considering that the physical plan is training and not absolute. 

Exognosis and karma

These are notions that you understand yourself, from a certain level. You don't need parenting or a million lives to understand basic, simple and logical things. 

And, the surprise comes from "The Matrix" where Neo asks the Oracle why we are still living, if everything we do is predetermined and has already happened, to which the Oracle answers "So that we can understand why". Brilliant.