Leave something behind
Leave something behind in this world.
That comes with understanding. At 20 years old, we all want to take something from this world, without thinking about the consequences, the responsibility, the service done to another.
Let's leave something behind, a book, a company, a child, a garden, a house, a tree, something made by our hands, a site, an object, a good deed, anything. There is too much selfishness in the world, everyone tries to take advantage of everyone, everyone is at war with everyone, everyone wants to be the first, the best, the richest, the strongest, but no one wants to lose, to be in the place two, take what's left, no one wants to be considered stupid and be laughed at.
Connections and leave something behind
That's why this world will stop, like all others. The service done to oneself is more important than the service done to others. The only one we leave to others is change. Let others change, because I am perfect.
Man is not mature enough and altruistic enough to have the right to a better world. We are consumed by envy that the neighbor has more, that the work colleague does better, that the friend is richer or that the relative is luckier. Or, like the Romanians, let the neighbor's goat die too.
Truth and leave something behind
My favorite saying in cases like this is: that's why the world is going to hell. Let's leave something of what was given to the world. We were given life, let us live, we were given health, let us be healthy, we were given luck, let us be lucky, we were given love, let us be love...
The only thing we take with us after death is knowledge, life experience. We don't take houses, cars, money or people. Each one after what he left and after what he learned and understood.
I still hear people in Transylvania saying "Let me have it" and they keep collecting, collecting, putting aside... until they die and leave everything to who knows who. If you ask them, they laugh and say "I'll be fine". And I think: "Look, this is the way the world goes."
Exognosis and leave something behind
Life is an experiment, others experiment with us and we experiment with others. Everyone gets something from this interaction, but you only take the essence when you leave, you don't take the money or the companies.
Let's leave something behind, something to be remembered, something to stay, something to help. I will leave posterity a website, three books and a house with a garden. Let whoever wants to rule them, because we have no successors. "May they be well", it is also said.
I don't want to leave any memory in the world other than some written words and that's it. A life lived for good or bad...an existence neither better nor worse.
Our traces remain in the ether, in the akasha anyway. Everything we said, did, loved, hated, everything we like or don't like about ourselves. Posterity will know that a MAN lived here.