

Lemuria (or Mu) existed between 500,000 BC and 200,000 BC and was inhabited by 1,000,000 souls. When Lemuria disappeared in 100,000 BC, the survivors migrated to India, Indonesia, Australia, Hawaii and the Philippines. 

Earth was meant to be a "library of living DNA" not only of the humanoid forms but all animal and plant life as well. The Pleiadians seeded Earth with life forms donated from every Star Race in the entire Universe.

The people from planet Mu agreed to be the care takers of Earth and made it to Earth in their spaceships during the Pliocene age. They established their civilization on a continent they named MU in honor of their home world. They began calling themselves Lemurians meaning "Mu reborn".

Connections and Lemuria

The reptilian draconians are also to blame for the sinking of the continent. The Lemurians had developed the emotional self, at the expense of the intellect. They depended a lot on the ocean for food. They did not have advanced technology, but it was a tribal society with artistic achievements. 

They were based on the right hemisphere of the brain, they were peaceful and loving people 

The knowledge in the metalic Library came from Lemuria and when the continent sank the books and artifacts from the LIbrary had been moved to the caves of Ecuador for safe keeping. Earth was a living DNA Library. Earth has always been an experimental ground for star races to mix DNA samples. Humans are the product of all the genetic modifications of ET's. The continent of Lemuria was seeded by the star race of the planet Mu. The word Lemuria means Mu reborn. Those from Mu came to Earth as part of the process to make Earth a living library, a repository for DNA of all star races. The Lemurians were the librarians.