Mass media control


The first pillar of the dark agenda is to control the way information is circulated to the masses. 

The main indoctrination tool is the mass media. Around 300 individuals control most of the world's wealth (through their families and companies) and are behind six or seven major mass media corporations. 

The propaganda spread by these entities does not necessarily consist of lies and false information, but rather of selective reports. 

Certain news stories are emphasized if the information in them supports the status quo or enriches those who invested in these corporations, while other stories are censored or ignored especially if they contradict the philosophy of the dark lords. In general, the main objective of the mass media giants is to generate fear and helplessness in the masses, as well as to sell advertising and promote their products. 

If we examine the main news broadcast by these organizations, at the top of the list we will find fear, violence and victimization. We will rarely see something that empowers or questions the status quo. 

The parallel state goes about its business, giving what information it wants to the masses of fools who sit in front of the TV and believe everything they see. 

TV hypnosis is present in movies, advertising, news, shows. Censorship is present everywhere where the masses do not need to know the truth. 

People must not know that we are slaves, that we are not free.