Mass media hostility
Mass-media hostility goes hand in hand with the dictatorship of the system. We are living in historical times in which you can see the desperation of the system and the shadow government that are losing ground and practice bullying and harassment just to maintain their control and remove any opposition.
Discouraging any alternative opinion and any person who has a different opinion than the state system has become law in our times. We are living in historical times in which both in America and in Romania people have woken up and are trying to express their opinions freely and to make use of the freedom of expression that was only prohibited in the Middle Ages and now they are trying again to oppress and harass those who have a different opinion and want another political and social system.
If in America the miracle happened without civil war and without bloodshed, in Romania the internal war has been going on for several weeks since an outsider "dared" to defy the system and run for the country's presidency. Since then the chaos has been total, the mass media paid to betray this people exaggerate and wage a silent war against a free man who has different opinions than the corrupt people of the system.
It is absurd that those who shout that they want to save democracy and freedom are the very ones who violate the democracy and freedom of a man who no longer wants the system. They tried to cancel the free elections, they tried to fabricate false evidence for the candidate and discredit him in front of the electorate, they tried to intimidate him with threats and even tried to call international organizations outside the country to block the candidate.
All in the name of power and an extended mafia that wants to keep the status quo in this country, a cabal of corrupt people paid from outside to betray this people and break democratic laws just to keep the power they have had for 35 years. The surprise will come from the awakened people who have had enough of the mafia and corruption, of theft and the interference of the secret government from the shadows of the world that makes the games in all countries.
I am writing this article aware that it is possible that this brave candidate, the spokesperson of the people who are fed up with the destruction of the country, will win the elections and then the traitorous mafia led by the politicians and the corrupt media could cancel the elections. They are so desperate that they will break the law of the country and the law of the common sense just to get rid of him, to keep their stolen privileges for 35 years.
The problem is that half of the country is asleep, only 50% of the people eligible to vote have expressed their choice, the other 50% are either useful idiots or living dead people, useless people who are waiting for others to vote for them, to decide their future and destiny.
The hostility of the mass media is so hateful that the press is ready to violate the law, freedom and democracy that they are committed to respect and for which they are paid just to defend a clique of dead, corrupt, shameless and corrupt politicians paid by terrorist interests that make wars and have the nerve to ask us for money for it.
I still believe that if it was possible in America, it will also be possible in Romania, that those 50% awakened people will be able to remove the dictatorship that we have been running for 35 years.