

The Matrix is ​​one of the best documentaries I've ever seen. 

Neo's conversations with the Oracle and the Architect should be studied in schools. 

We don't even realize that we are one step away from life on Earth becoming the Matrix. This is what artificial intelligence can do to a planet and to humanity. 

The Neo anomaly is Jesus trying to save the unsalvageable. The Architect is the Source, Agent Smith is the AI ​​and Morpheus is the resistance. Do we really learn nothing from movies? I remember a lot from the movies. I have visions and ideas that come to me spontaneously because my self sends me messages through movies and books. That's how he communicates with me. 

Every time the Matrix plays on TV, I see it and understand something more. The message is clear: this is how we risk ending up in the near future if we are not wise. 

I have a predilection for sci-fi movies and books because they are actually the future of humanity. Some authors are stellar beings who warn us what will happen. Frank Herbert, Arthur C. Clarke, Sal Rachele, Anton Parks are just a few names from the many authors who write inspired by spirits and ETs. 

Let's be more flexible, more versatile, more open to everything. The Matrix is, in my view, the agent of change, together with the thousands of books and films that give us ideas and change our mentality slowly but surely. They are preparing us for a future in which people will be different and life will be on a different basis.