Medical hoax
Today, illness is big business. We have all kinds of intermediaries, insurance companies, health organizations, pharmacies, researchers, lobbyists, advertising companies, regulatory authorities, all with their fingers in the financial pie. And with all that, we are getting sicker and sicker.
Nowhere is the dark agenda more evident than in the world of drugs and medicine and especially in medical research. The conspiracy is at home there. The disease of the century is cancer and although we think we know what it is and why it exists, it seems that no one can find a cure for it. However, there have been treatments for cancer since 100 years ago, but they were suppressed to make it the business of the century. Herbal remedies, silent machines, electromagnetic devices, etc. were invented, all hidden or eliminated and their inventors thrown into prison and killed.
We all take medicines, but if we knew what they contain and what they do to us in the long term, we would stop taking them. When vaccines were invented, they did their job, they were in the service of health, but this no longer happens, the mercury and aluminum in their component cause senility and dementia and even kill. And the Covid prank was only done as an experiment and to promote vaccines that contain nanites that turn us into robot zombies. I know people who never got sick, never had a cold, and after the vaccine they caught a cold, got sick and were about to die.
The percentage of side effects of vaccines has increased constantly. But also the profits of those who produce them, who mostly all have a depopulation agenda. It is known that wars and medicine are their big sources of profits.
The Illuminati own the pharmaceutical companies and health insurance companies and more recently the corporations that produce our food. They are the cartels that manufacture vaccines and medicines.
We are systematically poisoned by drugs that do not cure but maintain the disease, making us lifelong consumers of compounds that deceive the body and anesthetize the senses, make us stupid and addictive. We are poisoned every day with bad food, you can't help but remember the tastes of your childhood which are now just a beautiful dream. Food without genetically modified organisms and dangerous pesticides has only the aroma of..., the taste of...but not something alive.
We are tamped with fluoride from toothpaste, the substance used to purify the water from the mains. We are asleep with the television that kills our intelligence and creativity. We are lied to with news and tendentious information that keep us in illusion and control.
Among the Illuminati's preferred methods of depopulation are the falsification of vaccines and medicines, the spraying of chemicals into the atmosphere-geoengineering, genetic experimentation on food sources, and bioterrorism-the deliberate introduction of pathogens with the intention of killing large segments of the population.