
The Merkaba is a vehicle of light, a force field made up of keys and codes of light that use sacred geometry.
The Merkaba is programmed into the etheric body but is latent in most people. The Merkaba is a template of keys and codes that provides psychic and spiritual protection and allows the body of crystalline light to move through time and space without a spaceship.
Connections and merkaba
The Merkaba building program is an automatic series of DNA mutations built into the evolutionary structure of the human being. Merkaba activates from dimension 5. It is a rotating template of geometric structure around the crystalline light body.
The Merkaba acts as a force field or shield. It develops naturally, without accelerating the process. The exact date of activation and stability of the higher self is a predestined event. Everything is done at the right time.
Truth and merkaba
Usually, the Merkaba activates itself when a number of factors happen, for example when we do accept ourselves and the world as we are, Excessive attachment to the physical form is an obstacle, as well as exaggerated impatience. The activation process is related to biological and cell transmutation, as more and more pulses of scalar electromagnetic energy reach the Earth.
It is also related to the biotransformation of Cristian Muresanu, who noticed that he no longer gets old or sick, and the diseases of the past no longer manifest themselves. It is also related to the physical or spiritual elevation of Sal Rachele.
Exognosis and merkaba
It is body alchemy which is not a miracle or magic but a natural process of the body. The man notices that he has more energy, he has less need for sleep or food, this becoming purer or even starvation,
Merkaba brings with it a state of higher vibration, an altered state of consciousness and a subtle and invisible body. In the 5th dimension there is no disease, no death, no suffering and the language is telepathic.