

The key to passing through the "dark night of the soul", meaning the life we ​​lead and the complicated situation we are going through now, is neutrality. This does not mean cowardice or uncertainty or denial, but a very enlightened state in which we do not react without darkness and do not give it power. After examining the motives and strategies of the dark ones, it is important to find the perfect balance between becoming too concerned with their operations and going into denial about the extent of the problem. 

The correct perception is somewhere between the following two extremes: 

1. Dark forces are illusions. If we ignore them, they will simply disappear. We have nothing to worry about. We simply live our lives, we don't think about anything negative and we stay attentive to the light. 

2. The dark forces have a strict control of the Earth. They will bring down the lightworkers and make everyone's lives miserable. They will attack and be victorious over the light enslaving all of humanity in a powerful mind control network and strengthening the frequency barrier around the Earth. 

 Yes, the dark forces are very real in the four denser dimensions and if we stay focused on the higher dimensions we can overcome anything. 

Real neutrality is similar to detachment and means that we do not take anyone's side in the drama of duality. We observe the dynamics of light against darkness, but we do not judge or react. 

Let us emanate from the center of our being the golden light, radiant, full of unconditional love because it is the natural effect of transcending the realms of duality. Strength and resistance are not a solution, but observation and sending light and love to heaven.