New Era
There is a law of cycles that governs the entire universe in which, after reaching its peak, a system goes into decline and then starts all over again.
Currently it seems that we are in the agony of an outdated world and a new era. We have entered a period in which events are rushing: social conflicts, religious fanaticism, pandemics, wars, economic, political, scientific crises, climate changes, natural catastrophes.
Many say that it is the Apocalypse, meaning the last times and final catastrophes, but the true meaning is different. Apocalupsis in Greek means "to raise the tide", "to reveal". So the apocalypse is the revelation or the desecretion or the removal of the garbage from under the press. The Revelation of John mentions the ancient serpent, the liberation of mankind from the yoke of the great reptile, the war between the Forces of Light and the Forces of Darkness
The snake or the dragon is related to the past of mankind and we see this both in the Bible and in the books of Anton Parks, Ashayana Deane, Sal Rachele and others. Sacred and fabulous animal, guardian of hidden treasures, holder of secret knowledge, figure of the collective unconscious, creator and destroyer, the snake holds the secret of our origins.
Human-reptilian deities appear in theogonies all over the world and actively participate in the first creative energies. Statuettes, papyri, stone documents, all oblige us to consider the reptilian form as an archetype and symbol.
After evolutionism and creationism, the new theory of the extraterrestrial (exogenous) origin of life is gaining momentum. A team of Chinese scientists (Prof. Sam Chang from Augusta University) claimed to have discovered alien genes in human DNA.
The 97% of the so far unidentified DNA sequences are the genetic code of some extraterrestrial life forms. Most of the human genome is alien. The correlation of the ancient texts with the exogenesis of mankind and with the contemporary testimonies of some level 3 encounters is necessary.
The Sumerian texts, the Gnostic texts must also be studied because the ancient peoples were in direct contact with the protagonists of these ancient sources of wisdom. The Sumerian religious culture refers to the colonization of our planet by the "Heavenly Bestiary" as Anton Parks calls it, or the Annunaki as the Sumerians called them.
The clay tablets and statuettes tell a story that we do not find in the Bible, the Koran, the Torah or the Zohar, but instead we find it abundantly in the Gnostic texts about the Archons. According to Anton Parks, the Retilian gods of ancient Sumer controlled the genetic bank and the planet, diverting them to serve their own ambitions. The Girku chronicles speak of the rivalries of the reptilian clans, some (the faction of Enki-Ea-Sa'am, Osiris who defends the cult of the goddess and the interests of the Source and others (the faction of Enlil-Satan-Seth) which are misogynistic and glorify Anu (Yahve) and his atrocities.
Genetically modified man is the creation of Enki forced by Anu and Enlil to make a slave to serve the "gods". There are 3 Adams in different periods on Earth, each being the creation of extraterrestrials who had different interests and different agendas. The Bible was inspired by the Sumerian story of creation for Judeo-Christian doctrine.
The earth is a vast laboratory and humans are the product of a genetic experiment.
Science accepts the existence of the reptilian brain, the heritage of the reptilians from the Earth's past, the seat of primitive and instinctive impulses. Scientists have discovered other ophidian vestiges such as the semilunar fold in the inner corner of our eye that still contains the muscle fibers of what is left of a third eyelid or the nictitating membrane that still exists in crocodiles. Also the round ligaments of the human hip joint, reminiscent of a portion of the joint capsule that in reptiles was located outside the joint.
Likewise, the perianal glands around the anus, occasional growths that take the form of a primitive tail and that we observe in certain cases of malformations. In the same way, let's pay attention to calluses, nails and hair, all a kind of scales that remind of the skin of reptiles. The Haggadah, the source of Jewish legends and oral traditions, says that Adam and Eve lost their "shiny, scaly skin" when they ate the forbidden fruit, which the Old Testament translated as "Adam and Eve knew they were naked."
We are all potential gods and we all have an immortal soul.
The revelation of the truths hidden since the beginning of time regarding the creation of mankind, the true nature of God and the gods will become accessible today and will completely destabilize the three great monotheistic religions. some see in this a foreshadowing of the great return of the heavenly creatures, both good and bad, which we erroneously called angels, gods and demons.
We will finally become aware of our true roots which are more alien than divine.
The future of humanity necessarily implies an awareness and an understanding of the past and its origins. The exogenous hypothesis is the most logical and the most credible.