Non-human DNA


Non-human DNA is more widespread than we think. 

A few decades ago, scientists found 1% of the Earth's non-human population, with modified DNA and enhanced regeneration and healing capabilities. So there were about 60 million in the 90s. I wonder how many are we now? 


Connections and non-human DNA

An American child with immune deficiency, therefore AIDS, was found and tested. After a while the disease disappeared by itself. Instead of 20 codons, the child had 24 codons. The researchers infected the child with a virus but his cells were not infected and the child did not get sick. The child was immune to pathogens. 

Other similar children were found, which led to a bold theory, namely that a new race of people has developed on Earth. It is said that people originally had the same blood group and 15,000 years ago people with different blood groups appeared. ET seems to have made their genetic modifications. 

Truth and non-human DNA

Drunvalo Melchizedek says jokingly or seriously, that these children who eat junk food and don't get sick, have a different liver than us. And if we think about it, it could be true. The younger generations only eat fast food and they don't get sick. Why? Do they have other genes, do they have protection or are they non-human? 

Drunvalo also gives a happy example, namely the kitchen cockroaches that, when poisoned, become dizzy and die, but not all of them. Some transform their DNA and become immune to the poison, they even feed on it for pleasure. 

Exognosis and non-human DNA

Gifted children have appeared in all countries and are constantly monitored by governments. A child in China changed a DNA molecule with the power of the mind. 

Drunvalo states that new children will come to the planet: indigo children, medium children and immune children resistant to diseases. A new era awaits us. Are we ready?