

Enygmas are our chance to understand the world.

Connections and enygmas

Man has always tried to discover his world and the other invisible worlds. Our world is magical by definition, it is someone's creation, game. We are in a quantum reality where we can evolve by destiny and sometimes by free will, but limited. In the other worlds, free will is more extensive and allowed on a large scale. Here we have the physical, visible things that everyone sees more or less. You must have an open mind to understand everything that is seen and unseen, you must be willing to accept that the physical senses block you and limit you, they hide the magical quantum world from you. 

Truth and enygmas

Open mind can only be possible if you refine your perception and sometimes only if you move your assemblage point. Yes, the famous Assembly Point of Don Juan from Castaneda's books. Perception through the 5 senses is limited and imperfect, sometimes confuses you. People forget that we don't love with our eyes or ears, we love with our heart, so with an invisible and magical sense that is more subtle than we realize. Love through the physical senses are not true love. We feel each other, we love each other and we remember that somewhere, sometime, we met before or we have known each other for a long time. Enigmas are fascinating and enpowering, if you have the curiosity to go beyond the physical senses. Secrets are fabulous when you go past the apparent and discover something that no one has seen. 

Exognosis and enygmas

Knowledge is trained through curiosity and curiosity through an open and inquisitive mind. Readings and diaries are the solitary path of the man who is not afraid of what he might discover in the night sky, in his dreams or in the dense and old forest. Yes, it is possible that the enigmas of this world will change you forever, turn you from a social herd into a lone and magical wolf. But what a satisfaction when you follow Ariadne's thread and you know what is happening in your simultaneous lives or in distant galaxies. Frankly, the only author capable of revealing the future with the candor of a man in love with life and the Earth was Frank Herbert. Through his Dune masterpiece, he created an Arcturian vision of Earth's future. It's fascinating to read the future of Earth in a SF.