Perfection does not exist


Perfection does not exist. 

Perfection does not justify a sequel. The imperfection instead justifies its continuation. 

If everything were perfect, there would be no more life, no experiment. It is logical that it will not even exist, otherwise it would be the end of life, the end of the experiment. As the Source is infinite, it is also imperfect. And so is the man. 

Connections and perfection does not exist

When I hear those who want to reunite with the Source and the absolute, I feel like laughing. Well, would the Source welcome you back? No! You will become the Source, smaller, imperfect as well, but the Source. 

It is absurd to think of sitting in the warmth under the cassock of the Source doing nothing, living in love forever. The multiverse is not made like that. Just as there are no angels sitting on a cloud and playing the harp, so there is no Source to welcome you back. It is a false theory that caught the ignorant man. 

The multiverse is experiment, it is growth, it is evolution in a spiral, not linear, it is not a place, it is not a time, it is not the Kingdom of God, but it is a great mind. 

Truth and perfection does not exist

The universes are holographic and so are we, the earth is condensed energy. Let's give up other people's ideas, let's think for ourselves. 

These are my ideas, I have not read them anywhere, I have not seen them anywhere, and this is what I believe. Who doesn't like to make their own website and write what they think. Until censorship finds you and closes your site. 

Perfection is a story for more advanced, smarter but imperfect people. Perfection is the eternal story that we are now small and stupid, but one day (necessarily with the sun) I will be big and smart. Well, the reality is different. There will always be others before you, smarter, bigger, wiser and you will never be perfect, neither you nor them. 

Let's be serious. If everything was perfect, I wouldn't be here debugging stories anymore. Why do we invent nonsense instead of thinking with our logical and intuitive head? 

The idea is that man is finite, that is, he dies, and therefore he needs finite stories, otherwise he gets scared. The unknown, infinity, eternity scares, that's why it's better to invent stories that at some point everything ends. Well, if it hasn't even started, how can it end? 

Exognosis and perfection does not exist

The Multiverse has no beginning or end, nor does the Source have a beginning and an end. But man thinks he is small and stupid because the church told him that he is a sinner and that he must fear God who is great and wise. 

Let's be serious. Is that so? And why would there be someone to be afraid of and be my judge or executioner, as the case may be? And why should this have a chosen people? Well, aren't we all chosen, as it is said that he made us all? And why did the elected people beat other unelected ones? Weren't there other Gods around the corner? That's exactly how it is written in the Bible, "Thou shalt have no other God but me". Aha, so there are others. As in the Bible it says "We" not "I".

 So perfection is another induced and self-induced illusion. Another stupidity that we have to get rid of.