The Phoenicians, the mysterious navigators, traders and colonizers of the past, are the survivors of Atlantis.
The Phoenicians traveled all over the world, the vestiges of Phoenician colonization can be found everywhere, especially in the North. The clearest traces are in Great Britain where they traded in tin.
The Phoenicians were the original inhabitants of Britain and miners of lead and tin. The ancient writers say that the Phoenicians came to Britain 6000 years ago, they had the monopoly of trade, navigation, their languages are the mother tongues of the world today.
The Phoenicians were a mysterious race. The men were tall with red hair and blue eyes, the opposite of the Mediterranean race. In the Bible they are known as the Tarshish people. They were the first to mix tin with copper, obtaining bronze.
They created metallurgy in Britain. It is also said that the Druids are their descendants.
No one knows that London was founded 270 years before Rome, in 1020 BC. The Druids believed in the Messiah and were waiting for Yesu.
The Phoenicians seem to have come from nowhere, not even Wikipedia dares to risk finding their place of origin, as if a spaceship had descended and left them on Earth. Like the Huns or Mongols or other populations that then disappeared as suddenly as they appeared.