

Politics is not one of my favorite subjects because I consider it a mess. We do not have the maturity to do politics on Earth. Politics is 100% enslaved to the interests of the Occult and an opportunity to get rich overnight by betraying voters. 

Connections and politics

100 years ago, politics still had a trace of normality. Politicians were only those rich people who could afford to serve the state and the people. They were not paid, but performed a service to their country. Today, hordes of criminals arrogate to themselves rights they never had and use parliamentary immunity to steal, cheat, betray. 

Truth and politics

The political colors are mixed, it is no longer known who is right and who is left and in fact it does not matter anymore because in fact everyone is at the service of their own interests. The elections are rigged, the CIA delivers vote rigging machines all over the world and the right person always comes out. 

Exognosis and politics

We have been sold to foreigners for hundreds of years, and after the 1989 coup d'état, Romania is heavily colonized by the EU and NATO. We only have freemason presidents who commit crimes unpunished by the corrupt Justice precisely because they are protected by the Occult that appointed them to the position.