Programming is man's number one enemy. Programming is the prerogative of advanced civilizations that program less evolved civilizations to limit, exploit and manipulate them for selfish purposes.
Man does not know programming and acts firmly convinced that the thoughts are his, the facts are his, the mind is his and the body is his. In reality, nothing is his, we wear a costume that is not ours and a mind that is not ours and we are part of a vast experiment of hybridization through which the evolved races play the creator.
Connections and programming
We are programmed not to believe in extraterrestrial races, in life after death, in life outside our planet, in the Universe, we are programmed to fear everything, life, death, other races and civilizations, the unknown, the dark, again, for change, we are programmed not to accept other programs, etc.
The programming has an effect for millions of years if it is etheric because it is attached to the genes and made from the subtle spaces to our subtle bodies. No one realizes if he is not observant, reflexive, used to thinking for himself and rummaging in himself and outside. I realized it myself, before I read about programming. I noticed the same thoughts, tricks, flaws in people, including myself, and I realized that something was wrong.
Truth and programming
There are many limitations placed on the human being, in addition to genetic programming, there are also etheric or physical implants, some have removed them after ET abductions, others still have them and act like sleepwalkers without knowing that it is not their will. There is also the collective subconscious that puts pressure on our mind, the collective mind of civilization. There are also the psychotronics with which the evil ET races confuse our minds and thoughts.
There are also chemtrails that poison our air and therefore we breathe them. There are also poisons from food and drinks, drugs, medicines that condition us and give us addiction.
Exognosis and programming
You have to be obtuse, opaque and unaccustomed to think so as not to realize all the burdens we carry daily in our lives. A series of limitations that poison our daily thoughts and condition us to act differently than we want. The scientists who betray their race and species contribute to conditioning by the fact that they know what is happening but they don't want to tell us. They are paid too well and will not divulge the closely guarded secret.
American secret programs are working day and night to perfect the implants and programming that help the ET races to master us. I have a physical implant that appeared behind my left ear, it is gelatinous and under the skin, about the size of a bean. It appeared suddenly in my adolescence, probably after some ET abduction.
Sinchronicity and programming
The problem is that I did not detect the abduction through hypnosis, my conscious mind opposes disclosure and the regression was not effective either. For now it doesn't bother me, but I'll probably take it out when I find an open-minded surgeon who believes in such a thing and doesn't think I'm crazy.
The programming is subtly implanted in our etheric or astral or mental body and we are not aware of it until we make an efficient and deep insight into ourselves. The conscious mind is not our ally and betrays us because it does not believe in such a thing and refuses to help us find the truth. The ego is obviously selfish and is afraid of losing control, that's why most people don't accept the idea. We all have implants and are programmed even if we don't know it and probably we will never find out.