Pyramids in the world

Bosnia Piramyd
Bosnia Piramyd

There are pyramids built in over 100 places on the planet, the largest ones are those in Bosnia and China. 

Dated to 30,000 BC, the Bosnian pyramids are the Pyramid of the Sun and the Pyramid of the Moon. It seems that the Pleiadians built them to balance the electromagnetic grid system, it's a balancing system. 

The pyramids in Bosnia served as elevation chambers. They also had tunnels but they were blocked by negative Siriusians. 

More pyramids in South America and Siberia. Together, the largest pyramids form a geometric arrangement meant to balance the Earth's electromagnetic grid system. 

Pyramids are also found in the sea, in oceans and lakes, all having a role in the former civilizations that have disappeared. Most of them are not even recognized as such, being buried under large layers of vegetation. 

There are pyramids on Mars and the Moon, but they are hidden by the cabal and the deep state, which use them for their own purposes.