Quantum physics


Connections and quantum physics

Quantum physics is on the right track. It shows what spirituality has been saying for thousands of years. That the observer is connected to the observed object and that reality is not the true one. It's a mentally imagined dream. 

Scientists also say that they recently found out that man does not have free will. They found some mechanisms in the brain (I call them programs) through which something moves before the person chooses something, decides. So it's not his will, it's something external. and out of his control. I knew about the programs and it doesn't surprise me. I knew there were fear, shame, guilt programs, etc. ET implants. Or genetic mutations aimed at human control. Something that worries me. I've been working on deactivating programs since I was little, but unfortunately I found out that it can't be done from size 3. My opinion is that it works in size 5. Now we are in 4 apparently, after the changes and the general instability in which we live. 

Truth and quantum physics

Quantum physics managed to dethrone religions and attract people through novelty and closeness to nature, through the signal of change and through the logic of its theories. We are on the verge of changing the era and advancing mechanical knowledge, finally. We have the chance to move away from materialism and enter another dimension, another world, another reality. It's a chance to be better, to overcome our condition, to prove that man is not only a slave but also a god. We make the gods and the gods make us. 

Exognosis and quantum physics

What quantum physics has managed to do now is to break down the prejudices and bigotry of the masses of people who don't want to change anything, to break down the inertia and laziness of dozens of generations who no longer knew who they were. 

Quantum physics has the great merit of bringing the fresh and rarefied air of heights and initiatory knowledge, it is the sign that this world may not be condemned to death, that perhaps we still have a chance to change and turn 360 degrees in an upward spiral . I hope that quantum physics will be the hot dumpling with which to drown all the bigots, all the conservatives and all the devils who have kept us in ignorance and slavery for thousands of years. I hope for a peaceful revolution of the spirit, for a single-minded initiation that will lead to ascension, elevation and resurrection.