Connections and history
History is the most interesting story of all.
Just yesterday I visited Sarmisegetuza and every time I visit it, it gives me a unique, magical emotion. History is a tricky subject precisely because it is falsified. we should forget everything we learned in school and make efforts to reconstruct the true history, reading alternative literature and news on the Internet and everything we can get our hands on.
For the lucky ones who can enter the akasha, then things are clearer. But for the rest of the ordinary mortals, by reading assiduously, history can be reconstructed piece by piece and then making connections. Yes, it is true, History is the most beautiful story. To tell the children stories with fairies and elves.
Truth and history
Taking about the theme of linear time versus circular time-now, history is happening right now, simultaneously, and therefore everything that has ever happened together with everything that is happening and what will happen are all at the same time-now. It is hard to understand or imagine. Things are happening now. While reading this article. There is no other time than now.
The occult has its reasons for hiding much of the happenings of humanity. And humanity has no idea that the stories of world lightning, for example, are rigged in such a way that the facts are reversed. So the good and the bad are also reversed and most of the facts happened differently. This is how it has to happen, probably this is how the Source wants the game to go in this world of illusions. And people who do not know their true history is condemned to repeat the mistakes of the past forever, without moving on. It is the snake that bites its tail, so we are spinning in the vicious circle of history. That's why the great empires seem like they're still ruling when in fact they've been dust for a long time. But the artificial system of colonies and empires has been translated into the modern era by blocking the world in a circle from which it cannot get out, like a dead line from which a train cannot exit.
Exognosis and history
The spiral is the way to go forward, so through undulating, serpentine movements, climbing, going up. Otherwise, humanity remains on the dead end and without escape, the simulation that scientists were talking about. There is someone interested in this situation, someone who knows about the devastating effect of the closed circle. Escape is the opening of the circle, the movement of the assemblage point, the piercing of the net of souls, so that we can go forward, upwards.