Reality is not real. Only when we reach another dimension do we realize this.
We cannot base it on the physical senses of the body.
Connections and reality
Any physicist tells us that. Everything is relative and we cannot determine whether the dream we had at night was true or not. The theories of physics are approaching the spiritual theories of the East and we observe this more and more often.
The illusion we are living is called a simulation and is related to the Archons of Gnosticism and the game of the source. David Icke was right. We live in a hologram and modern physics can confirm this. It's like a computer game where we only choose what is already programmed, so the probabilities are predetermined. You cannot choose anything else, because it is not part of the software and the game.
We are blind and deaf to the new physics and the old oriental philosophy. But this is against us beyond where all the nonsense we believe here will have no point and we will wake up helpless, looking for familiar elements from this dimension of illusions but the astral is diverse and has its laws.
Truth and reality
I've always had an open mind to new things and that helped me not to become a closed person who only knows platitudes, material things. I have always had a great curiosity and I have always believed in the conspiracy theory that we are not told everything neither at school, nor at church, nor in the family, nor in books.
And I was right. Unlike the flock of sheep, I know where I will go after, I know how to adapt and be open to anything.
Reality is relative. The external environment that we perceive as real is actually determined by our density and frequency of vibration. In the astral, matter appears vaporous and misty, it no longer appears as a solid reality at a higher vibration of the environment. The only firm reality is the energy frequency corresponding to our self.
The physical concepts of distance, separation and movement become irrelevant in a higher vibrational environment. The subtle universe becomes progressively less and less dense in terms of structure and more and more receptive to the power of thought as we explore outside the material plane and closer to the energy sphere.
The scientist David Bohm said "Reality is an undivided whole". "The inseparable quantum interconnectivity of the entire Universe is a fundamental reality".
Exognosis and reality
The multidimensional universe is here, now. All energy dimensions exist simultaneously in the same spatio-temporal continuity. Black, invisible matter and black, invisible energy represent 90% of the total matter and energy in the Universe. Vera Rubin discovered this in the 80s. All spiral galaxies (like ours) contain invisible matter.
Consciousness creates reality. When we analyze light from the physical plane, we only see a certain part, a small part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Each of us is bathed in a sea of radiation frequencies: X-rays, infrared, radio waves and microwaves. just as physical light covers only a fraction of the electromagnetic spectrum, so visible matter is composed of only a tiny part of the entire multidimensional energetic Universe.
The universe is not made of particles but of frequencies, waves, energy, vibration. All objects and forms of life are by their nature multidimensional, existing simultaneously in different vibrational energetic planes of the Universe.
All energy dimensions coexist in the same time and space, meaning radio waves, microwaves, x-rays, and visible light coexist at the same time together, each having its own frequency of vibration.