Reincarnation is hiding a big secret.
Connections and reincarnation
I have always believed in reincarnation, since I was reading Aurel Popescu Balcesti at 14 years old. It's a concept that captures, fascinates, convinces and...manipulates. To be honest, when you're a teenager and you've read a little, reincarnation seems logical to you and you find in most books on spirituality an echo and support and confirmation.
But when you start to think for yourself and you have a library at home of thousands of books and your IQ develops, you rebel against a concept that limits and enslaves you. The key to life is flexibility, versatility. And the Italians have a saying "Only silly people don't change their minds".
Truth and reincarnation
I had the confirmation that there is something wrong with the books of Dolores Cannon and Michael Newton, where Dolores told that she contacted the subconscious of the client who was giggling and when Dolores insisted and begged the creature to heal the client, and Newton told about clusters of souls and customs crowded with souls or the councils of judgment where biblical characters appeared in front of the soul to judge and say that poor soul has not done enough and must go again in some reincarnation. Really? Hallucinating to believe in such a thing
Exognosis and reincarnation
The confirmation that something is rotten in Denmark came with Webre's "Omniverse" (creator of exopolitics) which speaks of evil ETs who control and manipulate the whole process of reincarnation, keeping the soul captive in Samsara, the wheel of reincarnations.
I have had confirmations over time through gnostics who spoke of the Archons and Sophia, the Mother of Wisdom, or the Barbelu-Sophia Mother of Origins by Anton Parks. Then David Icke in the books of recent years and Drunvalo Melchizedek who talks about the "net of souls" through which ET keeps souls captive. When you hear something said too many times by people smarter than you, then you think seriously.
You then make connections between what Anton Parks says about the simulation of a timeline and the inclusion of reptiles with humans in a separate dimension to keep them captive for doing bad things, then what Sal Rachele says in all his books about the timeline that keeps us as on a train on a dead binary, then the scientists who recently discovered that life is a simulation, a hologram.