Schumann resonance
Connections and Schumann resonance
Schumann resonance is unknown to people even if its effects are felt everywhere.
In 1930 the physicist Heinrich Schumann discovered a permanent standing wave in the atmosphere resonating between the Earth's surface and the ionosphere.
The resonance of the Earth, which physically represents a vertical standing wave, functions as an antenna that receives electromagnetic signals from the cosmos and redirects them more strongly to the Earth. Of particular importance is the direct connection, the coupling between this resonance of the Earth and the human brain. We are directly connected with the Earth and the cosmos in the alpha 8 hz domain.
The information that was transmitted to a person in the alpha stage enters the brain faster and stays there longer. It is also called alpha learning or silva mind technik.
Truth and Schumann resonance
The resonant frequency of this wave is permanently generated by atmospheric electrical discharges and the internal electromagnetic activity of the planet.
The frequency of this wave is between 7 and 12 Hz. But there are higher harmonics that have nocturnal variations. It was found that the amplitude of the wave can double its value with each degree of warming of the planet.
The intensity of the Earth's magnetic field has been continuously increasing for the last 2000 years. Even the rotation speed of the Earth has changed. The atomic clocks on Earth should run without adjustment, but scientists are always adjusting them and they don't tell us that. Conspiracy theory. Increasing changes were observed in the north-south direction of the magnetic poles, so that the orientation of airplane flights was always changed. As higher flight heights are reached, the terrestrial magnetic field has lower and lower values, therefore the flight personnel are trained to possess and use weapons in the plane to deal with aggressive passengers who become angry and hostile without their will. And we are not told these things. Conspiracy theory.
Exognosis and Schumann resonance
The Schumann resonance is neither symmetrical nor homogeneous because it is in a permanent modulation due to the energy of the sun. Resonance anomalies are recorded after earthquakes, for example. Lightning produces an electromagnetic wave that propagates around the planet.
The resonance has increased recently and new abnormal values are expected.
The influence of the magnetic field on our brain and psyche is kept secret.
This special frequency called Schumann is seen as a threshold or a door between the conscious and the subconscious, between the state of wakefulness and the state of sleep. There is a connection between the oscillations of the Earth's magnetic field and human behavior.
These oscillations are strong and are influenced by the solar winds which are made up of electrically charged particles (electrons, protons). The Sun goes through magnetic anomalies and that's why the Earth also goes through them.
On the surface of the Sun there are spots with very strong magnetic fields from which, through explosions spread over millions of kilometers, sunflairs are formed. Unknown magnetic anomalies have appeared on the Sun that have repercussions on the Earth. Once every 11 years and once every 2500 years and once every 26,000 years and once every 200 million years the Sun sends waves of solar explosions to Earth that influence life on the planet.
Sinchronicity and Schumann resonance
Schumann frequencies enable people to come into direct contact with the Earth consciously and to receive information outside of the 5 senses when they are connected with such a wave. The intensity of the Schumann waves increases continuously, so the intensity of storms increases. The frequencies increase, sometimes reaching 20.4 hz which influences people to be in a higher state of alertness. In a study done in Germany, magnets were found in the human pineal gland, which demonstrates a receptor model for another electromagnetic signal, the Earth's magnetic field. Sudden energy changes charge our feelings and moods.
The nervous system is more excited and thus the excitability threshold for the transmission of nerve impulses is dramatically changed. It can be proven the direct influence on the chemical balance and the exchange of liquids between the body and the outside, as well as the increase in metabolic activity.
Our perception of the outside world is filtered in sensory switching stations that are rich in receptors and undergo emotional influences.
The decision regarding which sensory information will reach our brain and which is stopped by the filter depends on the signals that the receptors receive from the neural transmitters. They participate in the transformation of information into physical reality. They transform spirit into matter. Electromagnetic fields have a decisive influence in this process of choosing our perception. They establish our mood at the electrochemical level and their effect reaches the field of perception. The brain emits electromagnetic fields.
Yes, something is happening on Earth!