Spiritual ignorance
Spiritual ignorance is the most harmful in the economy of the universe.
The more familiar and experienced we are with regard to the subtle dimensions of the Universe, the more extensive are our options after physical death. The spiritual options available to us grow exponentially with our ability to explore the source of all energies and life.
Connections and spiritual ignorance
Most people die in complete ignorance of their spiritual existence. The fear of death and the fear of the unknown speak for themselves. Reintegration into a new vibrational reality and adaptation to the new energy and the laws of the new spiritual dimension are not easy at first if you do not have a culture and knowledge in the field.
In comparison to the Earth, it is possible that the astral seems like heaven and we don't realize that it is not the end point of the journey. Ceiling and inertia, habit and routine transform the astral into our new home and from there we don't leave forever, only forced by a new reincarnation or pushed up towards other more subtle realities.
Truth and spiritual ignorance
All subtle planes are beyond our concepts of form and substance and continue directly to the heart of the multidimensional Universe. The first step towards awareness and overcoming the limits is increasing the degree of perception and experimenting beyond the rough limits. Out-of-body experiences, near-death experiences, dreams, altered states of consciousness, death, all are evidence of our dimensional nature.
Exognosis and spiritual ignorance
Physicist and author Fred Alan Wolf says that lucid dreams represent our visits to parallel Universes. Each dream, meditation or hypnosis session represents a partial glimmer in the continuity of one's own consciousness. All movements of consciousness are produced towards the interior of the subtle Universe. Consciousness represents a continuity of subtle energy that expands on multiple vibrational frequencies of the Universe.