Sunspots influence both the Earth and humans and other living things. There is a connection between the oscillations of the Earth's magnetic field and human behavior. These oscillations are strong and are influenced by the solar winds which are made up of electrically charged particles (electrons, protons).
The Sun goes through magnetic anomalies and that's why the Earth also goes through them. On the surface of the Sun there are spots with very strong magnetic fields from which, through explosions spread over millions of kilometers, sunflairs are formed. Unknown magnetic anomalies have appeared on the Sun that have repercussions on the Earth. Once every 11 years and once every 2500 years and once every 26,000 years and once every 200 million years the Sun sends waves of solar explosions to Earth that influence life on the planet.
Connections and sunspots
Researchers have found links between the development and decline of human culture and the activities of sunspots. A person's astrological type is not determined by the position of the sun in his sign, on his birthday, but by his position in relation to the Earth's magnetic field on the day of his conception. Because solar energy influences the monthly oscillations of this magnetic field, the changes show the ominous signs according to the position of the sun.
The strength and polarity of the solar wind that surrounds us influences the amount of melatonin and neural transmitters. Melatonin influences the behavior of a person who can be introverted or extroverted.
Astronomical forces and biological rhythms influence genetic factors. The solar wind made up of electrically charged particles influences the personality of people at the time of their conception. The oscillations of a weak magnetic field can cause genetic mutations in cells during the period when they are in the cell division stage.
Truth and sunspots
Mutations can occur in cells when they are exposed to a magnetic field that varies even when it is weaker than the Earth's natural magnetic field. The character and personality of a person depend on the direction and intensity of the local magnetic field from the moment of conception. Unusual American genetic experiments in the 80s directed low-frequency electromagnetic fields at healthy people and brain trauma patients. Mystical and paranormal experiences were triggered in both groups.
Exognosis and sunspots
Sunspot activity has increased a lot in recent years and this causes oscillations and changes in the Earth's magnetic field. The Schumann resonance frequency also increases, which has the effect of increasing the frequency of oscillations that influence the human body and its consciousness. It is also the resonance frequency of the human brain. The measurements showed that at a frequency higher than 8 Hz medium capacities appear.
The Earth's magnetic field becomes weaker, close to zero, but the Schumann resonance increases, the result is that the human brain works with an increasing frequency, over 8hz. People all over the planet will become mediums.