The first writing was carpatho-danubian-pontic


The first writing in the world was Carpatho-Danubian-Pontic. 

The tablets from Tartary are dated 7500 years ago, older than those from Sumer and than all the European ones. Thus, the Carpathian writing surpasses the ancient Cretan linear writing from Mycenaean Greece and Cyprus, the Egyptian hieroglyphic, hieratic and demotic writing, Sumerian, Akkadian, Hittite, Persian, Proto-Elamite writing, Hindu writing, Chinese writing, pre-Columbian Olmec writing. 

Researchers Marco Merlini, Marija Gimbutas, Nicolo Zeno, Nicolae Densusianu, Mario Alinei, Cicerone Poghirc, Nicolae Vlasa, Vladimir Gheorghiev, Silvia Paun, Harald Harmann, Carme Huertas, Ianos Makkay, Sham Winn, Vicu Merlan, Emmanuel de Martonne say that the first civilization of the world after Atlantis was born in the Carpathians by the Pelasgians. 

Europe was colonized by Getae and Pelasgians, Thracians and Dacians. 

Marija Gimbutas said "Romania is the hearth of what I called Old Europe, a cultural entity between 6,500-3,500 BC, focused on a matriarchal, theocratic, peaceful, loving and creative society of art and sacred writing, which preceded the societies Indo-European, patriarchal, of fighters from the bronze and iron ages". 

Louis de la Valle said "The inhabitants of the north of the lower Danube can be considered the ancestors of mankind". Gordon W. Childe said ""The first places of the Dacians must be sought on the territory of Romania. The location of the main center of formation and extension of the Indo-Europeans is located north and south of the Danube".

Bosch Gimpera said "The space from which the Indo-Europeans started is located between the Danube Valley, the Aegean Sea (Thracian Sea) and the Black Sea". 

Eugene Pittard said "The ethnic ancestors of the Romanians undoubtedly go back to the first ages of humanity, the Neolithic civilization represents only a recent chapter in the country's history". 

Daniel Ruzo said "The Carpathians are in a region of the world where the European center of the oldest culture known to this day was located". 

William Schiller said "Civilization was born where the Romanian people live today, then spreading eastward and westward." 

John Mandis said "Romania is the hearth of what we call Old Europe, a cultural entity between 6,500-3,500 BC, the oldest discoveries of writing signs were made in Turdas and Tartaria". 

Par Olof Ekstrom said "The Romanian language is a key language that has largely influenced the languages ​​of Europe". 

Carme Huertas said that Romanization is a lie propagated by Romania's enemies because the legionnaires who stationed for a hundred years on a part of Romania's territory did not speak Latin and we already spoke our language for thousands of years which we have not abandoned never. The question is why Romanian academics and the Romanian mass media still support Romanization, lying to children in history books and on TV. From betrayal or paid from outside? The Vatican knows the truth and has in its custody over 400 ancient books (disappeared today) where the true history of this land is. 

Miceal Ledwith, former adviser to Pope John Paul II said "Even if it is known that Latin is the official language of the Catholic Church as well as the language of the Roman Empire and the Romanian language is a Latin language, fewer people know that the Romanian language comes from the place from which the Latin language is derived and not vice versa". 

Marco Merlini said "Writing was born in Europe, in the Danube Valley". 

Emmanuel de Martonne said "I cannot understand the anger of the Romans to brag that they are descendants of the Roman colonists, knowing very well that in Dacia neither Romans nor Italians came, but legions of mercenaries recruited from the eastern provinces of the empire. Look at the face of the Moti, of the peasants from the region of Hateg and Fagaras, the people of Maramures and the people of Bucovina, and you will recognize the figures of the Dacians carved in Rome. You, the Romanians, are Dacians Romanians should know them better and be proud of them, because this people had a high spiritual and moral culture". 

 Miceal Ledwith says that the cultured Latin language is derived from the ancient Romanian language, not the other way around. So the Latin language is the Romanian language and the Romanians learn at school that until the arrival of the Romanians, the Dacians had no writing, no language, no culture, no civilization. 

Even the prestigious "The Cambridge History of India" says that the Indians left the Carpathians where they got their language, writing and civilization. And we in Dex say that our language comes from Russian, Turkish, Bulgarian, Albanian, Hungarian and other languages. 

Marija Gimbutas said "Romania is the hearth of what they called Old Europe, a cultural entity between 6,500-3,000 BC and that the ancient European civilization precedes the Sumerian one by several millennia.