The paradigm change


The paradigm shift is imminent. We are on the brink of change and I don't think people realize that. 

You can feel the change in the air, in the water, in the food, in our thoughts, in our bodies. It is the transition from materialism to spirituality, the transition from body to soul and spirit, the transition from linear to circular, from mechanical to quantum, the transition from visible to invisible. It is the passage towards a new reality, a new paradigm, towards a new perception. 

Haven't you noticed that you are different? That do you think different? Like your body is different? In the past, we were used to a precise pattern of the weather, to a perception of things that were not out of the ordinary, to a state of affairs that gave us accurate impressions and that we called normal, but now everything seems to have changed, nothing is in the same way, you can no longer rely on anything. 

People have changed too, you can no longer say you know a person, you can no longer predict anything. The weather can no longer be predicted, the times are also unpredictable. The economic, political, social situation is sometimes up and sometimes down. The unknown and the unpredictable surround us and surpass us, disturb us and turn our lives upside down. Life before was comfortable, predictable, in patterns, it was the box we knew and it didn't give us surprises. 

Now everything is upside down, nothing is "normal" anymore, as if things have come out of the womb. We are at a crossroads and there is no way out of this, to go back or deny the obvious. Gone are the days of conformity, materialism, corruption, theft, things must move forward, for better or worse, but the only constant in the universe is change. 

Science and religion have insisted so that things don't change, we still see their despair and frustration that they are losing power, people are waking up and there is no way back. Science and religion have been the brakes of humanity for millennia, they have kept people in the past instead of urging them to progress and evolution and knowledge. Instead of giving them free rein to creativity and imagination, they held on to pre-made dogmas and lies in order not to let go of power. We have been at their mercy for so long that we are not used to thinking for ourselves. We were always used to them thinking for us, to create our reality and perception, to be responsible for our life and destiny. 

That's over. We can no longer blame them if our life is bad. It is not the government's fault if you cannot find a job, it is not society's fault if our standard of living is not high, it is not the school's fault that we are not good citizens. From now on everyone is responsible for himself and his life, the microcosm in the macrocosm. Now we understand that each person influences the lives of others, the society, the country and the planet, we understand that we have the power and the potential to change things in micro and macro, the collective subconscious is the one that leads a society to agony or ecstasy.

Life is energy, not matter, let's stop relying on the visible in the situation where the invisible sends us signs and clues, intuition is a concrete sense that we can rely on and that we can train to help us live better , to understand things. If we still have psychiatrists who send people to the insane asylum because they hear and see things in the invisible, from now on the psychiatrist should be sent to the insane asylum because he doesn't "see" and doesn't "hear" the subtle waves and vibrations of life. 

Life does not mean only what is seen, it is everywhere, even where nothing is seen. Life does not only mean H2O and carbon, it also means tachyons, invisible photons, silicon life forms in the etheric or astral dimensions. UFOs are an undoubted reality, millions of people see them and soon this will be our reality, participation in exognosis, exopolitics, that is, the co-optation of people to the great ET family and to universal knowledge. 

There is no point in denying the evidence, to send the people abducted by ETs to the mental institution when in fact the crazy are those who deny the evidence, who don't want to know even though the internet, books and TV shows are full of information about the new reality, the new paradigm. 

Conspiracies become the new reality, in which we are infiltrated by other benevolent or violent ET races and we are to be colonized and invaded if we do not wake up. People who do not believe in these things must know only this: they are responsible for the exclusion of humanity from the great galactic family, they are responsible for humanity's failure to understand the new reality and the paradigm shift.